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We considered an array of people carefully before making our final choice on who to cast for both the actor and performer role. At first we wanted to cast a male for both roles and so we all sat around and discussed who we think should play the part of our performer and actor.


Below is our intial casting ideas, with our final choices below that.



Name: Max Alfree

Role: Actor (Homeless Male)

Age: 19


Reasons for consideration:

The reason max was initially thought of as our homeless actor, was due to his facial hair and age. Studies have found that 84% of homeless people are male, meaning that having a male performer would be very stereotypical.


As well as his appearence, Max had also had previous experience in media studies and he lived close to maidstone meaning filming wouldn't be a probem or hassle


In the end we could not use max as he was preoccupied with his own schooling and so did not have enough time to be acting in our peice as well.

Name: Dominic TInker

Role: Performer

Age: 18


Reasons for consideration:

When thinking about the genre of music as well as listening to the song we wanted a male performer that gave off an 'indie' look and would be appealing to our target audience of young adults, We also looked at the band themselves and all agreed that Dominic fit the role of a young male performer.


Dom also has a keen interest in music and so it may have been easier for him to mime the song, and so make it easier for us to create a professional lip syncing effect.


Unfortunatley, similar to Max, Dom also was not available to film due to both schooling and extra cirricular activities, which took up most of his time, so we started looking towards other casting options

Name: Rebbeca Spain

Role: Actor (Homeless Female)

Age: 17


Reasons for consideration:

After discarding our initial idea of a male actor, we agreed it would be an interesting spin to make our homeless actor female. As mentioned abve, a study have found that 9 in 10 homeless people are male and we agreed that it would be interesting to challenge the stereotype that homelessness only affects males. As well as challenging stereotpyes, we thought that having a female actor would allow us to easily construe the vulnerabillity of the charecter with a female.


Becca was an immediate choice for us as we needed a vulnerable looking actor that could be made to look homeless without too much effort. As well as this Becca is good friends with several members of the group which made organising shoots and getting actors to the locations.


Luckily Becca had enough time to be able to spare some for filming.

Final Casting Choices

Name: Zack Quinn

Role: Performer

Age: 18


Reasons for consideration:

Many of the same reasons we considered Dominic also apply to zack, being that he is a young adult male, who is easily identafiable by the young generation which is our target audience. As well as this Zack is slighlty older which means he makes more of a suitable candidate as someone that looks younger may not fit in as a performer.


Like Max, Zack also has extensive experience in media studies, having been a student since year 9 all the way through to A2. This makes our job easier as zack knows the process of filming and how to work on a shoot.


Zack lives on the outskirts of Maidstone on the crossover with Barming, meaning that transport to and from shoots is made a lot easier. 

Name: Oliver Pilcher

Role: Actor (Flashback boyfriend)

Age: 17


Reasons for consideration:

Many of the same reasons we considered Dominic also apply to zack, being that he is a young adult male, who is easily identafiable by the young generation which is our target audience. As well as this Zack is slighlty older which means he makes more of a suitable candidate as someone that looks younger may not fit in as a performer.


Like Max, Zack also has extensive experience in media studies, having been a student since year 9 all the way through to A2. This makes our job easier as zack knows the process of filming and how to work on a shoot.


Zack lives on the outskirts of Maidstone on the crossover with Barming, meaning that transport to and from shoots is made a lot easier. 

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