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Hurt - Johnny Cash (2002)

Hurt was originally released by Nine Inch Nails in 1994. The song originally was intended to be about drug misuse and addiction, in paticular herion. In 2002 Johnny Cash covered the song as his epitaph song. Cash adds a completely different spin on the song which instead reflects on the degredation of life as well as growing old and watching people around you pass away.


The video itself features  a high level of christian imagery which refelcts cash's own beliefs. The video and song as a whole is about a retrospective on life and accepting the inevitable of death.

The first shot emphasises the christianic theme of the song. The lighting in this shot is very important as we see high key lighting from the top right of the shot, this lighting is centered on the figure of Christ which appears to be looking in terror at it. This symbolises the fear of the 'light at the end' which adds to the songs theme of looking toward the end.


Aside from the high key lighting in the center of the shot, the rest of the shot is very low key lighting which adds to the sombre mood of the song. The figure of christ is also supporting a basket of foiliage, which contrasts with the metal of the figure. This symbolises the heavy strain of life which is put upon the singer of the song.

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